Oftentimes, people ask me what it is that I actually do. I’ve identified myself as a “cultural organizer”, a “creative consultant”, a “communications specialist”, an “event producer”, only for people to nod their heads and pretend they understand the job descriptions of these titles. For many reasons, these identities are somewhat abstract and non-specific, which is what makes them so interesting to me; they allow me to work with many different kinds of clients and allow me to wear all sorts of solution-oriented hats while still accessing my creative power. In many ways, my work has a core purpose regardless of what job I’m doing in that moment: to find the root of my client’s identity, intention and value system so that I can help them project it with confidence. Whether it’s through developing language, creating physical community space or building a social media presence that reflects what the client and I have discovered together, this work’s purpose remains to celebrate and actualize the voices, ideas and visions of whoever I’m working with.

Chicago Community Bond Fund 7th End-of-Year-Celebration - Event coordinator + producer 

I worked with the Chicago Community Bond Fund to coordinate and produce their 7th End-of-Year Celebration. 

You can watch the recap done by Sensitive Visuals here.

Event description: 

We're hosting our 7th end-of-year celebration to commemorate CCBF’s 2022 achievements and continued leadership in the movement to end money bond. Please join us at Hairpin Arts Center or virtually on Saturday, November 19, 2022!

What does freedom look like? We’ve asked this question of our featured guests to celebrate the various ways that freedom lives in Chicago, in community and in spirit. By using the influence of House as a timeless marker of community and joy, we will incorporate this nostalgic and ever-present movement into this year’s event. There will be speeches, a panel led by Chicago Black Social Culture Map, dance performances, a disco-influenced set from Akenya, Damon Williams as our emcee and music from DJ Fre Thought.

Come enjoy amazing food from Soul Vegan Chicago, take fabulous photos with your friends courtesy of Glitter Guts, and cheers with some Revolution Brewing

Reform Botanicals - Brand Strategist 

I worked with Reform Botanicals to develop their brand language as a new CBD wellness business. 

SKIN + MASKS, CURATED BY VIC MENSA | OPENING RECEPTION at Kavi Gupta Gallery - onsite producer

I was hired by SoKo Productions to be an onsite producer for Vic Mensa’s curatorial debut at Kavi Gupta gallery. I made sure the event ran smoothly from start to finish and that artists, attendees, & performers felt comfortable. I worked with a creative team of photographers, videographers and sound engineers to ensure a smooth event, celebrating all the hard work the Kavi Gupta team and Vic Mensa put towards this beautiful and powerful exhibition.

VAM Studio Film Screening - Event producer

I worked with VAM Studio to produce a screening for Vincent Martell’s FINESSE and Fatimah Asghar’s short film RETRIEVAL. We planned two nights of private screenings for friends + family and for press at Soho House Chicago. On night one, Jamila Woods lead a Q&A with Shea Couleé, Vincent Martell, Fatimah Asghar and Jeez Loueez after the screening. On night two, I lead a conversation with Vincent Martell and Fatimah Asghar.

Photos by Davon Clark.

Ukrainian Institute of modern art maker’s market - event producer

I worked with the Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art to produce their first ever Maker’s Market, which was meant to expand the museum’s reach, build community amongst artists and introduce a new demographic to the galleries. You can read more about the event here.


Chicago community Bond fund 2021 end-of-year celebration
digital event coordinator

I worked with the Chicago Community Bond Fund team to put on an end-of-year digital celebration.

Event Description:

We are organizing a digital event to commemorate CCBF’s 2021 achievements—especially around the 5-year fight to end money bail in Illinois—our leadership changes, and the rebuilding of our team. In many ways, this year has been a year of resilience and we plan to honor that on Saturday, December 4, 2021. This event will include speeches, testimonials, performances from Tasha and Jonathan Mendoza and a dance party!


Arizona State University’s Center of Imagination in the Borderlands - digital event coordinator

I worked with the Natalie Diaz and Gionni Ponce of ASU’s Center of Imagination in the Borderlands to organize an online celebration of the first Native Poet Laureate of the United States, Joy Harjo.

I was hired to help build the digital landscape, coordinate the event itself and run Zoom logistics + behind the scenes tech during the night of the event. It was a gift to work with such brilliant poets whom I deeply admire, and to help honor their work with the help of 750+ attendees from all over the world.

Design by Izzi Vasquez


Chicago Parks Department - camp focus group transcriber

I assisted the Chicago Parks Department’s CAMP (Cultural Asset Mapping Project) by transcribing all 10 of their focus groups, which featured 5-6 artists + community members per session.

What Time is it? a cultural and civic archive - brand & content strategist, Transcriber + creative consultant

I worked (and am working) with Irina Zadov on their project “What Time Is It?” A Cultural and Civic Archive, which is rooted in the values of deep listening, relationship building, and radical imagination. It invites BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ artists, organizers, and freedom fighters to examine our historic moment through the lens of global time. I transcribed and cut down the interviews for the paintings and for the podcast, helped develop language & manage the social media.

This project began as a way for Irina to paint portraits of and connect with friends during COVID, but slowly grew into an archive that celebrated perseverance, honesty, reflection and daydreams of other worlds.

Logan Square Arts Festival - arts committee member

In 2018, I worked with the Logan Square Arts Fest to curate a literary line-up on the Paseo Stage near the old Uncharted Books location. In 2019, I was asked to be on the Arts Committee for the festival to focus specifically on booking performances and interactive art activities throughout the fest.


For Real Therapy - brand + creative consulting

I worked as a creative consultant for For Real Therapy, which included:

  • Building the brand identity

  • Creating a sitemap for their website

  • Speaking to all the potential hired therapists before they were hired to debrief them on the For Real Therapy mission

  • Coordinating digital events

  • Strategizing + editing blog posts

  • Copywriting everything on the website, including each bio.

Sam Presser Photographs - brand consulting

I worked as a creative consultant for Sam Presser Photographs, which included:

  • Renaming

  • Tagline brainstorming

  • Brand strategy

meez meals - social media + marketing consulting

I worked with Meez Meals from 2017 - 2019 as a social media + marketing consultant, which entailed:

  • Managing influencer marketing + brand collaborations

  • Social media management

  • Content creation + Pinterest mangement